
Discover the liberating path to wholistic health and spiritual growth with our healing retreat with other Christian women. Join us as we explore what it means to be fully alive and shine in God's light. Learn about the principles of health and wellness, and how they align with our faith. Together, we can support each other in our journey towards optimal well-being and a deeper relationship with God.

Our focus is from a

Wholistic approach to health using nature's remedies to promote health and healing.

We believe that disease is not the thing to be removed, expelled and destroyed, or killed. It is not a thing, but an action; not an enemy, but a process; not an enemy at war with the living organism, but a remedial effort - an action to be cooperated with.

The healing principle is always in the living system itself, the body is designed to heal, and if supported correctly it will do what it was designed to do—heal. Your goals are important to us, and we want to tailor your experience even further with a pre-arrival assessment and consultation

Are you ready to transform your health and deepen your relationship with God?

Unlock your true potential and embrace a healthier lifestyle with our weight loss and wellness program designed specifically for Christian women. Experience the joy of achieving your health goals while strengthening your connection with God. Come and soak in this healing immersion with other like-minded women and find support, encouragement, and lifelong prayer partnerships. Together, we can empower each other to feel good, look good, and live our lives to the fullest.


My journey in thriving led me to joyfully embrace a plant-based diet and physically active lifestyle as well as an emotional and mental transformation. I believe that cancer cannot exist in a body in which the inner terrain is kept in optimal health. The body operates as a whole system in which the mind sympathizes the body. Changing my “stinkin’ thinkin’” was just as important to my health as was the lifestyle choices to my physical body.

My retreats organically emerged from 20 years of experience as a lifestyle and nutritional coach witnessing the incredible transformations in people's lives. I hold a BA in Sport Sciences with an emphasis in Sports Medicine, Food for Life Nutrition & Cooking Class Instructor (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), Stanford Healthy Lifestyle Program® Facilitator (Stanford Prevention Research Center), CHIP® Facilitator (Complete Health Improvement Project), Certified Massage Practitioner, 75 credits postgraduate studies in Health Education & Promotion.

Drawing from my own battle with cancer, I emphasize the power of nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes in promoting compassionate healing. I have coached individuals with various lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disorders, heart issues, and gut dysbiosis caused by parasites, mold, chemicals, and heavy metals as well as alcohol and substance abuse. My primary focus is to inspire faith and hope, while coaching a non-invasive approach to open the body's organs of elimination and filtration pathways, enabling self-healing by design. By empowering individuals to take charge of their own health journey, they have in their possession the key to unlock the power of self-healing and a transformed life. Join me on this journey towards optimal health and discover the potential of nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Let go of surviving and

escape mediocrity...


Retreat Journey

Our SHINE retreats typically run for 7 days from Monday – Monday. However, to accommodate needs, we offer 10 as well as 21-day sessions, ask us about this option.

The first step in your journey to your SHINE Retreat adventure is a comprehensive health assessment. It’s a personalized 2-hour consultation specific to your needs. We will customize your program, selecting detox products, supplements, and herbs to address your specific needs.

You will receive recommendations for the tailored for you experience at our SHINE Retreat. Our goal is to support you on a sustainable and lifetime optimal health journey.


Located in the heart of Shingletown, CA, our country location provides the perfect backdrop for relaxation and deep healing. Surrounded by nature's beauty, you'll have the opportunity to unplug & connect with the still small voice of God. Discover balance amidst the chaos of everyday life.

We are looking forward to getting to know you!

If you would climb the path of whole person health and spiritual life, you must constantly ascend; for it is an upward way...

WARNING: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products,recommendations, or comments provided are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your health care professional first.